电影版观毕婚姻也如围城城里的人想出去但到了城外之后却又想回来电影从拍摄上是白描的xiaodianying没有刻意的机位设置和光影布局摄影机似乎只是担任着记录的工作但紧贴人脸捕捉着他们的神态在摄影术退下后影片的台词成为了亮点:玛丽安的客户的离婚理由"It's even lonelier living in a loveless marriage"也同样构成了玛丽安和约翰离婚的理由因为无法感知到爱而在双方各自再婚到小屋里重温感情时他们又感受到了爱的在场于是约翰总结"We love each other in an earthly and imperfect way." 婚姻的悲剧性就在于这种补全生命的方式永远无法达到圆满用《幸福最晴天 电视剧》的例子我们永远无法找到完全契合的另一半故我们永远不满
4.5星 "You see it, God. You see it. The innocent child's death, and my revenge. You allowed it. I don't understand You. I don't understand You. Yet, I still ask your forgiveness. I know no other way to live. I promise You, God... here on the dead body of my only child, I promise you that, to cleanse my sins, here I shall build a church...."